0 votes
by (1.5k points)
Warning: Declaration of QuietSkin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($string, ...$args) in /home/bhumkari/public_html/favouritefashions.in/site/wp-content/plugins/ocean-extra/includes/wizard/classes/QuietSkin.php on line 12

2 Answers

0 votes
by (10.3k points)

Generally, this error caused due to incomplete update process of plugin. This might server-side error. We can solve it via replacing plugin files from the WordPress repository.

  1. Go to cPanel > File Manager or FTP 
  2. Go WordPress installation folder > wp-content > plugins > ocean-extra
  3. Locate and delete a folder named in step 2
  4. Now, download the plugin manually from https://wordpress.org/plugins/ocean-extra/
  5. Upload and extract the folder in the same plugins folder
  6. Done.!

0 votes
by (140 points)
Replace The Old plugin Folder With New One