Continuous scrolling in Adobe Reader

  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 11, 2020
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You are currently viewing Continuous scrolling in Adobe Reader

It’s annoying if your Adobe Reader stops at the end of a specific page. First time you might feel that specific page as last one. Because your Adobe Reader completely rejects up/down key pressing events. In simple words, you will remain on the same page without power to jump on next or previous page.

The solution is quite simple. This situation is the outcome of previously chosen page display settings for that PDF file (i.e. Single page view). Adobe Reader remembers the page scrolling choice separately for each PDF file. Now, follow the below steps in your Adobe Reader.

  1. View » Page Display » Enable Scrolling
  2. Done…!
Continuos scrolling in Adobe Reader
Adobe Reader Continous Scrolling

However, this solution looks best for a single PDF file. But what if there are lots of files to read. Just follow below steps for the permanent remedy.

  1. Go Edit » Preferences » Accessibility
  2. Check the box Always use Page Layout Style and select the value Single Page Continuous
  3. press the OK button
Adobe Reader permanent scrolling
Preferences windows

In this way, you can overcome from scrolling problem with Adobe Reader. Enjoy reading.

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