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by (1.5k points)

I have using NextGEN Gallery on WordPress. When I updated NextGEN plugin v2.0, soon I start receiving error message "Invalid Displayed Gallery" on the page where NextGEN gallery shortcode added. Even more, I'm unable to view 'Display Type", while inserting a gallery on the page. Please see following screenshot.

Blank Select Display type in NextGEN Gallery

1 Answer

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by (10.3k points)

Both errors deal with the new version of NextGEN Gallery Plugin in WordPress. Just follow below steps,

  1. WordPress Admin > Gallery > Other Options
  2. Reset Options > Click on button Reset all option to default settings
  3. Done

Now, try to add/modify a Gallery on any page. Now you can watch Display Type which was blank earlier. Like the following screenshot.Fixed Blank display type error

 Soon, you need to re-add the galleries on affected page. You can view working gallery.
